I cant belive it, this blog is now, one year and 8 days, man how time flies when you have fun, I must thank Locorules, he inspired me to make this blog, El Ateo, now thats a good blog, keep on going bro, El Kender, since hes all into marital lifestyle, well he isnt posting that much, I hope to see more of his thoughts, I wanna thank Rianne, internet would be so boring without your chats, Mirai, who slowly, very slowly comes back, and Ksenya, I've been very lucky cuz I found you, actually we met around these days, didnt we?? One year already too!! Wow, time flies none the less...
Well as this post its suppose to be special, Ill write more than I usually do, this time about something very important, today after hearing my dad talk about the same thing as ateo's new post, wich is the indiference/apathy/ignorance/stupidity/etc, etc in the political field of our country, It made me realize how stupid we, the young adults, are its incredible, how little do we care about politics, ateo is right we he said that we dont belive in our politics anymore, but neither do we do someting about it, we let this people sodomize us, we let them get away with their shit, and we do absolutly nothing, they hide behind loop holes in the law, when they use the law of course.
And Ateo and I belive this...
E out.