Right here, right now the web

Always the best man, never THE man

You know, its funny, lately I've been feeling that a lot of people has come to me for advice, wich it makes me incredible flattered that they trust and belive in what I have to say about their problems. Well as you might expect mostly they are about relationships, loneliness and stuff like that, the odd thing is that I havent had a serious relationship in quite a while, but honestly, after what happened last time this is like a holiday for me from the relationship scene.
What I guess I'm trying to say is that I think that I never feel alone, or that because I dont have a significant other at this time of my life, doesnt make me feel incomplete, I hope I can find someone to love, one day, but for now, walking this path by myself doesnt sound like a crazy idea afterall...

0 Ramen: