Right here, right now the web

At least

So, this is how it is?
And I thought you were gonna let me finish my coffe before you told me that, is not that I didnt expect it, next time have some consideration, do you know how long it was since I have a cup of descent cappucinno??
...No, there will be no "next time".
Anyway, I guess this is good bye, huh?
Its was a long time ago, I told you, but you are just too persistent...
Fine, you know, and I really thought you and me..
Pfff, you and me...
Hey let me finish, I was gonna say...
I dont care what you say, I honestly dont know what I am doing here.
You are here because I called you, I want some answers thats the least I deserve, dont you think?
You dont deserve nothing from me.
So much hate in those words, but its ok, we passed trough that, anyway, this just became worse, my coffe doesnt taste the same now, next time...
There wont be a next time, I told you already.
Fine at least Ill have a cup of coffee to enjoy.

0 Ramen: