Me despierto en un establo
Volteo y se que todo es bien
La luz me enceguece al salir de ahí
Soleado, fresco y feliz, así es como se siente todo
Quiero que todo sea así para siempre
Caminamos por la vereda siempre verde
es el atardecer
todos sonreímos
me miras a los ojos
sabes que todo va a salir bien
No importa lo que suceda
esto tiene que terminar bien
por que somos nosotros, somos los elegidos
te adelantas corriendo y das una vuelta rápida y nos sonríes.
Nos vemos en el camino...
Week 2
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Friday, May 25, 2007 at 7:01 PM, in
Well, im here, reporting as I plan to do every friday so here it goes...
It was good, hehehe, It was still hard, but I manage to survive, I hope nest week becomes a lil bit easier for me but I think its starting to show, next week I'll rant more about it.
E out.
It was good, hehehe, It was still hard, but I manage to survive, I hope nest week becomes a lil bit easier for me but I think its starting to show, next week I'll rant more about it.
E out.
In a perfect world...
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 10:30 PM, in
Spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.
Net truth
Y asi lo dice su lider
, at 10:29 PM, in
The general rule on about people on the net seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"
Thank god the didnt choose the malibu
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at 5:17 PM, in

Thats my new car, not my new car, cuz mine's white, but it rocks, man the interiors rulz, check the details of my car here
Im happy :D
Y asi lo dice su lider
, at 4:06 PM, in
Hace mil años los cientificos descubrieron que la explosion en Eta Carinahe llegaria a nuestro sistema solar dañando
lo gravemente y que lo mas seguro es que la raza humana desaparceria.
La humanidad logro unirse para crear un sistema que salvara a la tierra, que salvara a la humanidad. Fue entonces
que para el año 10 a.e.c. (antes de Eta Carinahe) se lograra crear el sistema esperanza, que no solo salvaria a la
tierra si no que salvaria al sistema solar interior; Pero hay quienes piensan que esto es un error, que es el
apocalipsis, el fin del mundo y que el sistema esperanza no debe exisitir.
Esta es la historia de Esperanza: La Era De La Luz.
lo gravemente y que lo mas seguro es que la raza humana desaparceria.
La humanidad logro unirse para crear un sistema que salvara a la tierra, que salvara a la humanidad. Fue entonces
que para el año 10 a.e.c. (antes de Eta Carinahe) se lograra crear el sistema esperanza, que no solo salvaria a la
tierra si no que salvaria al sistema solar interior; Pero hay quienes piensan que esto es un error, que es el
apocalipsis, el fin del mundo y que el sistema esperanza no debe exisitir.
Esta es la historia de Esperanza: La Era De La Luz.
Its about damn time
Y asi lo dice su lider
, at 10:32 AM, in
Oh, no, no, no, no, its back and it looks amazing, Im not gonna see daylight in a quite sometime.
I saw the videos and man, I gotta buy a new comp, anyone wants a used laptop?? $500 dlls...
Power to the people
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Friday, May 18, 2007 at 2:30 PM, in

Im taking a break from my usual bullshit to talk about something really important, and by important I mean that its something that affects me, the strike on my school; the TUH (Technological University of Hermosillo) or UTH in spanish...
First I want to say that I support our teachers on their strike, they are very intelligent people and very commited to us, students, and deserve better work conditions and pay.
Heres the blog for the latest info on the strike
Second, for the 1st time in my fucking life I'm putting a lot of effort to finish school and now the teachers go on strike, un-fucking-beliveable, I know that God has a very twisted sense of humor, and I dont have a problem with that, but why does it has to be me the one whos pulling the pranks on?? I sure that when I die God is gonna say to me "You got Punk'd Mofo!!"...
Week 1
Y asi lo dice su lider
, at 12:09 AM, in
Well, again I started to work out, for those of you who knows me... yes this is hell!!
SPARTAAAAAAA!! (That was totally random)
Well, the day after I started working out it was the usual, my legs were killing me, but by wednesday everything went to normal, I'll keep posting about it, one weekly post about it, so that means 15 post lefts... wish me luck.
This week I really felt it on my pecs and in my butt (easy people, its not what you are thinking), abs are all good yay!
SPARTAAAAAAA!! (That was totally random)
Well, the day after I started working out it was the usual, my legs were killing me, but by wednesday everything went to normal, I'll keep posting about it, one weekly post about it, so that means 15 post lefts... wish me luck.
This week I really felt it on my pecs and in my butt (easy people, its not what you are thinking), abs are all good yay!
A very interesting idea
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Monday, May 14, 2007 at 7:57 PM, in
:: Dueling Analogs :: New Webcomics Monday & Wednesday... sometimes Friday
Now this is a marketing idea that might work for Sony... :-P
Powered by ScribeFire.
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Sunday, May 13, 2007 at 7:11 PM, in
I remember one day that Maryell told me that a day would come when your friends are getting married and having children, and it was gonna be scary as hell... day day came four days ago.
Scared is how im feeling right now, everything is changing and its not that its fast, rather than unavoidable, like seeing a plane crashing on a mountain, you cannot do anything but watch; wich led me to my most recent crysis, for a moment I snaped and felt lonely, like really lonely, like I was losing everybody I care about, even my family its becoming very shitty, not my parents, thankfully.
Yeah, I felt like that and it scared me, but then I came to my senses and left it all behind me although the memory of that feeling makes me a shiver a little bit...
Sooo ful of hate!!1
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 3:01 PM, in
Sweet lord
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Monday, May 7, 2007 at 1:16 PM, in
When the world kick back for good this time
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Saturday, May 5, 2007 at 11:02 PM, in
A day before my bday I was feeling down, the usual stuff, almost 26, no job, livin with the parents and living off them, its just not really my thing, not at all...
the only good hing was talking to rianne (much luv babygirl).
Anyway, most of the day like I said before I was doooooowwwnnn, until I was giving words of comfort to a friend whos 8 year gf is moving to another city and he was waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down than I was. All of the sudden it hit me like Mayflower hitted De La Hoya; I said to my friend, "you gotta be strong, you gotta think of something to remedy this problem instead of crying, you already cried, now get up and do something..." When I read my own words, I went all "WTF why didnt I listen to my own fscking advices??"
Tomorrow I party, the day after tomorrow I fight
And so it begins the new story of the star...
the only good hing was talking to rianne (much luv babygirl).
Anyway, most of the day like I said before I was doooooowwwnnn, until I was giving words of comfort to a friend whos 8 year gf is moving to another city and he was waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down than I was. All of the sudden it hit me like Mayflower hitted De La Hoya; I said to my friend, "you gotta be strong, you gotta think of something to remedy this problem instead of crying, you already cried, now get up and do something..." When I read my own words, I went all "WTF why didnt I listen to my own fscking advices??"
Tomorrow I party, the day after tomorrow I fight
And so it begins the new story of the star...
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