I remember one day that Maryell told me that a day would come when your friends are getting married and having children, and it was gonna be scary as hell... day day came four days ago.
Scared is how im feeling right now, everything is changing and its not that its fast, rather than unavoidable, like seeing a plane crashing on a mountain, you cannot do anything but watch; wich led me to my most recent crysis, for a moment I snaped and felt lonely, like really lonely, like I was losing everybody I care about, even my family its becoming very shitty, not my parents, thankfully.
Yeah, I felt like that and it scared me, but then I came to my senses and left it all behind me although the memory of that feeling makes me a shiver a little bit...
1 Ramen:
have no fear... cos fear cripples...
if anything... you never lose ppl... they may be at a different stage in life.. but they will always be there... the ones that count anyway...
maybe its more of a fear of being left behind... but you know... at the end of the day you should only do something when youre good and ready... you should never do anything just bcos ppl expect it.
hm... let me see... how to make yourself feel better?...um... just think.. when everyone you know is growing grey hair and getting wrinkles cos they are worried about their wife/husband, children etc... you would still be goodlooking... cos all you have to do is worry about yourself. Less stress hahahaha... does that help? hehehehe
big cheez
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