Im taking a break from my usual bullshit to talk about something really important, and by important I mean that its something that affects me, the strike on my school; the TUH (Technological University of Hermosillo) or UTH in spanish...
First I want to say that I support our teachers on their strike, they are very intelligent people and very commited to us, students, and deserve better work conditions and pay.
Heres the blog for the latest info on the strike
Second, for the 1st time in my fucking life I'm putting a lot of effort to finish school and now the teachers go on strike, un-fucking-beliveable, I know that God has a very twisted sense of humor, and I dont have a problem with that, but why does it has to be me the one whos pulling the pranks on?? I sure that when I die God is gonna say to me "You got Punk'd Mofo!!"...
1 Ramen:
hahahaha punk'd... hardcore!!!! hahahaha
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