Right here, right now the web

Sudden Thought

A friend of mine once told me that she didnt had any friends because she quickly got tired of her so called friends... what a poor person she is, you cannot got tired of real friends maybe they are gonna bother you sometimes, but honestly, when you got tired of a friend, I think its like beign a farmer who lost the whole crop because in the last minute a flood or a snow storm killed the whole crop. Losing something you invested so much time and dont care about it, its just lack of human nature, even if it sounds too cliché, its a lack of spirit/soul or whatever its name is, is part of us, you know what I'm talking about. To those, my real friends, I salute you, you know who you are, online or offline, near or far, you are still here with me, never forget that you have someone who doesnt forget it friends, never.
