Right here, right now the web

A good advice

But 1st of all, let me say Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, and since this is the time of good deeds and stuff like that, I'm gonna give you a good advice, at least I think its good, its the best that I can say its my own advice, not others ppl advice that I just gonna write here, its my own and I must say it makes me feel good, so here it goes:

"Don't do illegal drugs, you don't know what the might put in them, do prescription drugs, the pharmaceutical companies spends millions of dollar to give us quality drugs"

There, I hope you like it and help you in your life.


Who can resist this??

No beer, no smoke

Is that how my life is gonna be, I mean, I'm 24, I already got 6 months since I quit smoking, and now for my own health I have to restain too from alcohol, this sucks, this sucks big donkey dick.

Its not that I dont enjoy other things, I mean, I like art, I absolutely love music, and partying and many many other things, but I think if today I'm leaving that (cigarettes and alcohol) later Ill be force to stop eating sweets, wtf? The next the doctor is gonna have me feed by water and bread, I dont fscking think so, besides I love a good red wine or a wonderful Guinness beer, or my Midori splashes.

Being a healthy person sucks.

Now I know

Now I know why god exists, and its a man, it just hitted me, its because he made womens, yes thats it, and you wanna know why I make that statement, is so easy, they are the best thing in the world, they are beautiful, sweet, tender, fregile and strong at the same time, they can make you feel like everythings all right, they can make you feel like you can be a better person in any sense that it can be possible, they bring life to this world in other words, they got all the good features.
I'm not saying we are good for nothing pieces of crap, we ended up with the best part of the deal: We can see them all day and night. Nothing so amazing cant be a random act of the universe.

Turn on the TV maybe you'll see yourself on it tonight

M: Im tired of all the heroism and this poetic justice.

E: But you are worht fighting for, you are better than this.

M: No, you are. And Im tired of you reminding me it.

E: But...

M: No, lets not see eachother anymore, Im not asking you, I'm telling you...

And just less than 15 minutes I saw the same dialogue on Nip/Tuck and they say those things only happend on the TV, jesus farking christ...

You gotta feel like a million dollar baby

You gotta feel like a million dollar

THis is serious, Imagine you have been kidnaped and the kidnapers have told your family that they want one million dollar, do you think your family would pay that kind of money for your freedom?

No? Too bad, your family sucks you know.

Yes? Well, lets pretend that a lot of days passed, weeks even, you are in a cold room, in total darkness,even if there was light you were blindfolded, naked & tied up from wrist and ankles, you have been feed from left overs, youve been beaten, god only knows why you havent been raped, but it wouldnt surprise you, one day all of the sudden you are taken out from the room, you feel the warmness of the outside, it must be day cuz the sun is burning your skin lightly, they get you on car, you drive for who knows what time, then, the car stops and you are taken down from the car, you hear a voice saying "You have a nice family" before you are knocked out unconcious. You hear voices, far, far away, but they are becoming more and more closer, you open your eyes and you are on an ambulance with your mom and dad on your side crying both of them, thanking god and the saints for this miracle. The time passes you left the hospital, you are in perfect shape now, now you know what a million dollar feels like, if so:

Why dont you do something useful with yourself now? I mean, you are worth a million dollar now, right?


Sweet farking baby jebus!! you have to check this page, if you were a kid in the 80's as I did, you are so gonna enjoy this page, as it says on the title its about cartoon from the past, specifically from the 70's and 80's, omg so many memories come back, most of them good.

The other day I remember me saying that todays cartoons werent for kids, but I was wrong, the cartoons from the 80's werent for kids, at all (at least the ones they showed in Mexico).

Lets start with Remi, that poor bastard was the unluckiest kid in the whole world, he was death incarnate, if you were around him for more than 5 minutes it was for sure that something bad was gonna happend to you and im not talking about something minor, Im talking about really serious shit, your mother died, your dog died, you got in an accident and became paraplegic or in the most cases you died, that kid was cursed Im telling you...

Candy Candy.

A mexican soap opera made by japanese people without knowing what mexican soap operas were. period.

La princesa de los mil años (The Queen of a Thousand Years)

WTF?? She was an alien that abducted people to work on his home planet? thats really fscked up man.

Mazinger Z.

Another Mecha anime that ruled the 80's amd and 99% of the male population who watched that anime always wanted to see the female robot to launch her missile boobies, the other 1% are lying.


Please refeer to Candy Candy but it was crappier.


Both series, the ones with the cats and the other with the cars where about the same shit, a Mecha anime, it was good I had the voltron made of the robot cats, but nothing beats mazinger.


Ok ok people, here is one of the biggest fans of Robotech evar, ok?? But im only fan of the 1st season, the other 2 were so-so, thus im gonna talk only about the 1st season, so here it goes:
I cannot say anything bad about robotech 1st season

Centella (Moonligth Mask)

A guy who drives a bike and kicks ass dressed like some kind of lawrance of arabia with a mask, nice. It somehow reminds me of the song Viva Satana from Babasonicos.

La Fuerza G (Battle of the Planets or G Force)

This ranks as one of my fave series of all time actually, its sotally from the 70's, its very good but it has some stuff that makes me laugh everytime I remember it, like for example, when Ace throwed his knife-boomerang, it always cut the necks of the soldiers of the bad guy, ok, so far so good, but the thing is that they were always in a straight line!! I mean, my god, theres a thing called duck!!! I also have a suggestion for the soldiers of the bad guy (I dont remember his name ok?) anyway, what im trying to say is that there is this thing called, shooting lessons, these poor idiots couldnt hit a thing even if it were in front of them, maybe because the had this evil looking mask, also, they all had the same hair cut, I mean every army has the same hair cut, but these guys had long hair, I guess it was this whole 70's thing.

Thats some of the cartoons I watched when I was a kid, well exept from Sandibell and Candy Candy, well some candy candy episodes, next post im gonna talk about the american cartoons I watched, so stay tuned, who am I kidding, nobody really read this exept for Ateo and Kender, so guys, talk to you later, geez..

En algun lado

Te veías hermosa ese día, tu larga y rubia cabellera contrastaba muy bien con esa gabardina de piel, aunque tus ropas eran todas negras tus ojos brillaban con un amarillo casi místico, siempre me han cautivado esos ojos, siempre mirándome, siempre atentos a lo que estaba haciendo en ese momento. Ambos caminábamos separados solamente por aquellos pilares en la bodega abandonada, gran maquinaria vieja era todo lo que había en ese lugar, solo polvo y maquinas que algún día fueron utilizadas para la elaboración de algo que ya de seguro no es necesario. Todo era tan lento en ese momento, no dijimos ni una palabra ese momento ya nos habíamos dicho todo con las miradas, el momento estaba cerca, era ahora o nunca, venganza al fin, muerte y odio era la energía que corría por nosotros, fije mi mirada en el frente, el portón estaba abierto no se veía nada por la luz del sol, pero sabíamos que del otro lado estaba nuestro destino, que no íbamos a dejar a nadie vivo, ninguno de ellos escaparía a nuestra venganza, no nos importaría si hubiera niños en ese lugar y las mujeres no serian exentas de nuestras balas, la muerte venia para todos ese día y nosotros dos éramos sus ejecutores. Nuestros pasos hacían eco en ese lugar tan amplio, vi que tu estabas desenfundando desert eagles, cromadas, hermosas, acababas de limpiarlas especialmente para este evento, eran como dos largas espadas de luz que acabarían con todo lo que pusiera en tu camino, yo traía mis AMD en mis manos desde hace mucho tiempo. Ya estábamos llegando al borde del portón cuando exclamaste un grito de horror que me helo la sangre instantáneamente, solo levantaste la mano y apuntaste hacia el frente, ahí estaba la casa, colina abajo, pero algo estaba mal, había humo y llamas saliendo de ese caserón, rápido saque mis binoculares y pude contemplar el horror, todo estaba hecho pedazos, había cuerpos regados por todas partes, volteo a verla preocupado por lo que había visto, sin decir nada salimos corriendo hacia la casa, no sabíamos que había pasado al llegar al muro de la casa, no se oía nada mas que las flamas de la casa en llamas, todos los carros aun estaban ahí, también saboteados, llantas cortadas, un olor fuerte a gasolina, la entrada al patio estaba abierta, la visión era horrenda y confirmaba todo lo que habíamos visto en los binoculares, cuerpos de todos los invitados regados nadie estaba vivo, alguien se nos había adelantado, había acabado con esos bastardos antes que nosotros, no podía creerlo, nadie vivo, nadie a quien preguntarle que paso, nos habían ganado, nos habían quitado nuestro momento de gloria, nuestras venganza se había acabado, el fin de esta pesadilla llego, pero no era nuestro final es que se había escrito, era el de alguien mas, solo escuche que dijiste "Se acabo" e inmediatamente después una descarga de tu arma y un cuerpo de se desplomo, cuando yo volteaba a verte vi que te desplomabas, tus lagrimas volaron de ti despacio, tus rubios cabellos estaban manchados con ese rojo oscuro, que hacia que te vieras sucia, tus ojos quedaron fijo al lado de una niña sin una pierna, yo no creía nada de lo que veía, no reaccione cuando te vi caer, solo camine como un muerto viviente por el lugar buscando a alguien que matar, tenia que matar a alguien, aunque sea a uno, quería disparar mi arma una sola vez, mi mente me jugaba trucos haciéndome ver sombras que se movían en mi reojo, pero no había nadie vivo, después me volví a topar con tu cuerpo tendido en el suelo, quise acompañarte pero no pude, tengo que cobrar mi venganza, ya no me importa que sean mafiosos, salgo de ahí me regreso a la bodega me subo en mi motocicleta y me dirijo al pueblo mas cercano, quiero mi venganza y la quiero ya, llego al pueblo, es un pueblo pequeño, hay misa en la iglesia del pueblo, ahí cobrare mi venganza, de todas formas Dios permitió que esto sucediera.

Job Hunt

I hate this job hunt thing, it sotally sucks, I mean, theres no job positions here, Im either over qualified or not qualified at all, and that just because I dont have any job experience, well, heres the news, HOW THE FUCK IM I GONNA GET JOB EXPERIENCE WHEN I DONT GET HIRED BY ANYONE?? I swear people that this is getting frustrating, I think that nearly all ads are for fucking security guards, who we all know the pay sucks and I honestly can do more than that...
Security guard, sweet farking christ...

No catchy title here

Sometimes when Im about to go to sleep, in those 5 to 10 minutes when Im slipping away into morpheous land I start having these great ideas for stories, too bad I always forget them, but what I dont forget is the feeling that they leave me, a feeling of doing things right, that those stories im telling to myself are worth writing it, but since im about to go to sleep I let it go.
Also, latetly I havent been able to remember my dreams, I wonder where do they go...

Eleven years ago...

A song was played on the radio a video was made and it was played on MTV, in the time when MTV was making money from music, not from everything else but that, that song was Basket Case and the group who played that song was none other than Green Day, a band from Berkley CA.

But that was eleven years ago and now they're one of the biggest bands, and thank god they are coming back cuz I think that rock was needing the big boys to come back, with bands like Audioslave and Green Day its a good sign that rock is comming back to the masses.

Note: I didnt want to talk about the band before basket case, this was just a random thought...

Who gives a fuck

Ok, I know its been a while since my last update, but honestly I wasnt in the mood for posting, a lot of things has happened to me and a lot more has happened to people I know and that its wort telling here, but since I dont give a a fuck about my posting, even though I said I would try to post at least every sunday, wednesday and friday, well again, I shall repeat, I DONT GIVE A FUCK, thank you very much...


I dont give a fuck who is going out with who, who fucks who or who doesnt, all I care is who I fuck, who I am gonna fuck, thank you very much again... geez.

Britney Spears has shoulders like a man, and I can say that and you'll laugh
cuz there's a puppet on my hand


Every time I look at your picture, all that comes to my mind is these words "dummy"
you silly dummy, I cant belive you are gone, I cant belive I can miss you so much, I wish, I had done things right at the time, not just at the very end, damn, If you ever read this, hell, I dont know, leave a msg, mail me, whatever, just, come back.

Buda rocks!!

On the Ateos Blog I found this test, im not a big fan of those quizzes and stuff like that, but this one its fun, and till a certain point I agree, I have always known that my beliefs goes a lot with those who follow the path of the buda, im not a buddhist or something like that, but I agree with those who practice Buddhism.

You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.

In Buddhism, there are Four Noble Truths: (1) Life is suffering. (2) All suffering is caused by ignorance of the nature of reality and the craving, attachment, and grasping that result from such ignorance. (3) Suffering can be ended by overcoming ignorance and attachment. (4) The path to the suppression of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. These eight are usually divided into three categories that base the Buddhist faith: morality, wisdom, and samadhi, or concentration. In Buddhism, there is no hierarchy, nor caste system; the Buddha taught that one's spiritual worth is not based on birth.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Cliche in 3..2..1..

People sucks, humanity rules... God if I do belive in that, yes I know its such a big cliche, but come on, Im waiting for someone who can contradict me, yes please put your comments and tell me I'm wrong and not a personal experience, cuz eveyone of us have one of those contradictory experience, tell me a global experience.

/Todays word is EXPERIENCE
//I like slashes
///I'm giving FARK my 1st born child
////Slashes make me horny
/////Not really
//////Yes they do.

The last love song on this little planet

Bigger than the fear of death is the fear of life, have you ever felt your whole life coming at you at once?? In those moments death seems little, peaceful compared to the full force of life, I think of it as a personal tsunami, would you not be afraid of seeing a tsunami coming right at you?
Life force is great dont misunderstand me, but I think im in of those moments where you feel you have strayed out ver bad from the path you chosed.
Also I think that this writing is heavily influenced by Saikano very cool and sad anime, shows you how much we suck and the only thing good in humanity is love.

New research suggests people who think they have a "computer curse" could be sending out bad vibes that adversely effect electronics.

Here comes the science:

Technology -

I knew it!!! There had a scientific explanation to my "curse" Thank you Fark

I hope they soon find someting practical for this research, my dad havent ask me to do a job on the computer for him for a long time, so if I recall correctly the chance of a computer failure when dad asks me to do a job for him on the comp its pretty damn high, well at least now I know someone its working on a solution, thank you God for science...

At least

So, this is how it is?
And I thought you were gonna let me finish my coffe before you told me that, is not that I didnt expect it, next time have some consideration, do you know how long it was since I have a cup of descent cappucinno??
...No, there will be no "next time".
Anyway, I guess this is good bye, huh?
Its was a long time ago, I told you, but you are just too persistent...
Fine, you know, and I really thought you and me..
Pfff, you and me...
Hey let me finish, I was gonna say...
I dont care what you say, I honestly dont know what I am doing here.
You are here because I called you, I want some answers thats the least I deserve, dont you think?
You dont deserve nothing from me.
So much hate in those words, but its ok, we passed trough that, anyway, this just became worse, my coffe doesnt taste the same now, next time...
There wont be a next time, I told you already.
Fine at least Ill have a cup of coffee to enjoy.

Not everything that works...

Not everything that works in one place works on another, I wish someone told the Tecate creativity department those words, but I'm sure they wouldn't listen to them anyway, but 1st I'm gonna explain what Tecate is, besides beign a city on our neighbor state Baja California Norte is a also a beer, actually it has its name from there, but the point in this story that someone in the creativity department thought of applying an old formula in this even more old product, the beer, I'm so sure he or his team felt like a million dollar when they plan it, they put the faces of various northern musicians inside the bottle taps,so far the idea doesn't sound so crazy, right?? NOT!! The whole thing of that its to collect them, please people who in their right mind or at least good taste are gonna collect some ugly mother fuckers drug dealers look-a-like?? That kind of publicity campaigns are usually targeted toward kids, preteens and teens, but not beer drinking man and women, come on, not even getting mad drunk someone is gonna collect those shiat. So without further shit, I bring you the pictures, laugh people, and those who drink Tecate, please laugh too, Its sad to see people cry...
E out.

*All brands and names are trademarks of the their owners, yeah right like if the check this stuff...

Vehicle barrier allowed to go ahead | ®

Vehicle barrier allowed to go ahead | ®

OMG el kender said it long ago, I really thought It was bullshit, but honestly, think about the consecuenses of this if this goes beyond that place, lets say the WHOLE border, oh man, brace yourself cuz its gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride, and im not talking to us only.

/current mood: Scared after I started to think of the consecuences...

Introducing BLUE the blue penguin :P

Thats right, Im too been dragged by the virtual pet adoption stuff, so here it is , isnt it cute ^^?? I thought a penguin is wast the perfect pet for this blog, its cute, somewhat sad and besides I think penguins are cool, although an iguana or a ferret would be cool too, later ppl.

Somebody call a WAAAHMBULANCE!!!

Somebody call a WAAAHMBULANCE!!!

My Miserable Life: A Compendium of Suffering

Wanna see the most pathetic stories in the web? check that link above, I swear people, instead of being such a cry babies and writing pathetic stories, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

In the words of one of my favorite comedian, Denis Leary: LIFE'S HARD, GET A HELMET!!!


That odd familiar feeling

The other day I wrote that I wanted to feel like I felt before, god I was only remembering the good feelings (pretty obvious, nobody wants to remember the things that hurted you). I thought that way until a few minutes ago, when while checking my Yahoo mail account, I found out an old email from an ex, that mail was writen after the relations ended, that mail made remember how I truly was and how I am now, god, I dont know why I wanted to go back there, *feels a shiver down his spine* ggrrr, I never, ever want to be like I was at that time, I better kill myself firts before...

P.S. The shivers where true, actually I just felt them again.

23 seconds and you can ride the express to hell weeeeeeeeee

Sinfest Comic 06/08/05

I love sinfest, I just do, damn that Tatsuya Ishida is GOOD!!! :P

Random Porqueria

How fo you feel?
As feel as bad as hell
Then why do you do it?
Cuz I want to be better...
You have to be better...
You need to be better...


Its the same shit again, im soo getting tired of this, it happends like this:

Me: *writing a short story* Mmmm ok, ill leave it here, im going nowhere with this story.
days/weeks/months passes
Me: *angry as hell* Wheres that damn notebook!!! Now that I have the idea to keep writing, I cant find the f*****ng notebook

The story of my life...

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

I need a job + I want a digital cam = Desperation ON

That's right, today I went to Liverpool and I saw this awesome Sony digital camera, 5.1 Mpixels, slim as a credit card, well, not that slim, but still pretty slim, I WANT IT!!! I NEED TO HAVE IT, MUST HAVE IT, MY PRECIOUSSSSSSS... erm, hmm, I like it a little bit.

Other thing I need desperately is a job, any job, whatever, well, not whatever, god damn...



Sometimes I wake up and try to reach you, of course you are not there...
I got up, take a shower and go out to do all my normal things.
I have a normal family with normal pets.
I go to a normal school, with normal classes, with normal teachers and normal homework.
I have a normal life.
A perfect normal life.
God!! How did I let this happend?
The very things that brought me to this normal, wich I thought that was what I needed to let go, to grow up.
Well, let me tell you this, growing up sucks.
I want back that feeling of uncertanty.
The feeling that I was on a perpetual adventure, it is a little draining but, now it really worts it.
I want to worry too much again, about everything, too feel more things, once a friend told me that when you get to a certain age, you notice that your passions dont drive you that much, it sucks honestly.
Growing up makes a lot of things clearer, its a very good thing, but sometimes it sucks pretty bad, this is one of this moments.

Would I, Could I

Would I, Could I...
Would You, Could You..
Stay the whole month without drinking & smoking?
Would I?
Could I?

/thanks dr. seuss

A Noddle Cup...

A hot cup of Maruchan made me think:

trying to save you from yourslef is so useless.
Those chains that you put on yourself.
Those chains that restrain you.
So pathetic.
So desperatly calling for help.
And Im always runing for that cry for help.
So pathetic for myself too.

Its so easy to see.
You hate me cuz you want to.
Cuz you need to.
Cuz you see in me what is lost in you.
And you hate me for that.
For what I have.
For what I am.
And for that, you cannot forgive yourself

How horrible it is to see what you were in the mirror and what you were before, was better then and what you are now is so despicable that the only thing you have left is to break the mirror... Even if I am a mirror shattered I still feel sorry for yourself.

How sad.

P.S. I havent started to eat my cup of Maruchan, not even a sip.

Cultural Anthropology, Weird Al and Jedi Knight Robe Part 1

I must say this day was one of the most intresting I had in quite a few time now, I remember today at 1 am. helping Rianne with her assigment of "What is a human" in her own words

"I want to answer the question..."what is the human?"...looking at it from i want to talk about relation to the importance of language, story, symbol usage,....then from freuds idea... u know...the ego and the id.... and then look at it....from rene girards idea...of....humans desiring beings, u with me?"

Fuck!!! I mean, if she can find that answer, I mean the universal answer, man I rest peacefully, come on, somebody shoot me, I dont care anymore. Beside if she is gonna use Freuds theories wich by the way, I heard that they are beign discarded these days, I think its cool, but I also think is a thing I couldnt care less (freuds theories), the guy was in love with his mom, please, but anyway Im think im rambling more than usual...

I found a very good subject to read about and I think its a must for all, Cultural Anthropology, for you who dont know, Anthropoly is the study of the man and all the things related to him, me as a knowledge entusiast (also known as geek) think that its one cool subject to read about.

I also found out today, that jedi robe is a cool thing to wear, Imean with all the hype and stuff like that I think it should be a fashion item for a cold weather hting that here in Hermosillo we know nothing about.

As for "Weird" Al Yankovic, I must say that he is one hell of an entertaiment I would sure pay to see one of his concerts, the sad thing is that after the concert I would have to erase my memory cuz It would make me piss my pants cuz of the laughter everytime I would remember his perfomance...

Way too dangerous...

And then the bull reaches for his gun, a revolver, and blows the head of the bullfighter
The horse applauds and all the arena goes silent for a moment, then they as for the ear of the bullfighter as the present for the bull, they only find half of it, cuz the bullet entered directly in his left ear, and going out at the half of the other ear...

The lesson here, bulls are dangerous enough by the themselves, and now they have guns? Dont put a fight with them...

Years later I heard the bull had some drug related problems, he ended up in court for possesion, I dont know if he got out of that one, apart from that I havent heard anything of him.

Me a junkie?? Hell no!! A responsible junkie please...

"I envy you, cuz you don't have the crave to smoke, I do envy you"

Those words felt good, honestly, I realize now that I don't need to smoke, hell, I know that my anxiety problem can be diverted to another thing, if I know it, why don't do I do it?? How fool I am, I don't need to complain about everything, I can do whatever I want, proud words indeed, but so far I've never had to swallow those words...

One more thing, Broken wings, the closing theme for Trinity Blood, rocks!! Thats all...


Last weekend I spend a few hours in Tijuana, a total of 12 hours in a city when the travel
time is aproximately 12 hours, I went to pick my new car a Stratus 2001, a real beauty, but
I didnt pick it up, cuz it wasnt ready so I will get it this saturday, honestly it was the best thing for me, I dont have to drive it all the way through Hermosillo.

Changing subjects, cuz honestly, I dont want to talk about the car, until I have fully tested my car, I want to talk what happened in my way to Tijuana, cuz I spend a lot of hours awaken, on the way back Im sure that I spent 10 hours sleeping in the bus, did I mention that the only time I sat down was when I ate chinese food and then in my aunts house before leaving to take the bus back? But im missing the point here...

A funny thing happend to me on the way to Tijuana, I was listening to Laura Paussini's new album, in spanish of course, I like her, I admit it, so now fuck off and let me finish this story. On my way to Tijuana I was listening to her album is a nice album, calm, nothing too loud and with good lyrics for a pop album, that album took me back to nicer times, where feeling where more raw, where passion was overwhelming, better times indeed.

I remember a gril I followed to another state, just to see her 3 hours, man I woulded payed my soul to another 3 hours, those 3 hours I spent with her, changed my life and now that she is in pain I wish I could do something to help her, I have something to show to her, that maybe it'll help, im sure it wont make much difference to her, but I know that when she gets well emotionally speaking she will realize the value of the words she would read.

So, if you are reading this and you know who you are, you'll soon see what I mean...


Mi primer post en español en buen rato, el beto dice que va a dejar de fumar, yo digo que si lo hace, pero como puso una apuesta de 100 lanas a ver hasta cuando, yo digo que hasta que terminen las vacaciones, aver que pasa...

El Jefe de Jefes VIP

When I thought of beign in a concert in the VIP area I always thought I would be in a rock concert I would never ever imagined that I woulded attend to Los Tigres del Norte concert and I would never ever ever ever that I would be such a good show, and how good they sing, I honestly like that band because my mom used to hear them 24/7 and so I grew up listening to them.

But theres a story besides that I went to that concert, the day before the concert, Roberto decided to celebrate his birthday, because the next day, his actual bday he was gonna be at the concert with his gf, he is no fan of them, well the point here is that there was an unholy quantity of alcohol, well, not as unholy as in my bday, but nevertheless unholy, and a 12 pack survived the night, strangely, me and Javier told Roberto that we will return at 4pm to finish those beers, and we did, but after that, we bought an 18 pack, and then Marco came to Robs house and he bought a 24 pack, so if my math hasnt got rusty, 12+18+24=54 besides what we had drink the night before!! and in the concert we keep buying beers cuz we werent allowed with our beer. After that night, we decided it was too much beer and I didnt drink until yesterday cuz honestly, the moral hangover was too much.

Apart from that, the concert ruled!! Those guys give a pretty damn good show, it was a very good amazing sight to see all those people, and I agree with Javier when he said that "they sound better live that on a record" Jorge has an amazing voice, truly el Jefe de Jefes. I was so close to them that if I wanted I woulded touch them, but im not that big of a fan.

In the end I can say that Im very happy that Linda got us the VIP passes, they are one of the best norther folk bands of Mexico...

A Miracle of Life

I just got back from having some chinese food, my mind is more calm now, today I became an uncle, not my brothers son, but my cousins daughter, shes like a sister to me, ella me comprende :P Its amazing this miracle of life, when I saw that little baby, well actually not that little for a 1st born, shes 54cm and 3.830 kg, shes quite big, shes very healthy and beautiful, she showed me today something I had forgotten, the joy of life, thanks and blessed be my little girl, youll always have me to support you from now on...

Lightning crashes a new mother cries
Her placenta falls to the floor
The angel opens her eyes
The confusion sets in
Before the doctor can even close the door

Lightning crashes an old mother dies
Her intentions fall to the floor
The angel closes her eyes
The confusion that was hers
Belongs now to the baby down the hall

*Oh now feel it, comin' back again
Like a rollin', thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from
The center of the earth again
I can feel it.

Lightning crashes a new mother cries
This moment she's been waiting for
The angel opens her eyes
Pale blue colored iris
Presents the circle
And puts the glory out to hide, hide

*repeat x3

A New Hope...

No, im not talking about episode IV of Star Wars, Im talking about me staying at school, last night I found an old notebook with some units of Electromagnetic Theory wich helps me a lot to study and not eating a whole book in less than 2 weeks, I must admit that I almost lost all hope and give up on school, well, now I found a new hope and now I feel more sure that Im gonna stay in school. Im sure in the next few days im gonna publish a post entitled, The UNI strikes backs :P hehehe...

Sudden Thought

A friend of mine once told me that she didnt had any friends because she quickly got tired of her so called friends... what a poor person she is, you cannot got tired of real friends maybe they are gonna bother you sometimes, but honestly, when you got tired of a friend, I think its like beign a farmer who lost the whole crop because in the last minute a flood or a snow storm killed the whole crop. Losing something you invested so much time and dont care about it, its just lack of human nature, even if it sounds too cliché, its a lack of spirit/soul or whatever its name is, is part of us, you know what I'm talking about. To those, my real friends, I salute you, you know who you are, online or offline, near or far, you are still here with me, never forget that you have someone who doesnt forget it friends, never.


Maximus Corruptus

I heard from a very reliable source, that a local radio station, had cheated on a contest of their own, letting the sponsors chose the winners before the contest, wich it was suppose to be like a lottery, how low is that? I think that this is what we the Mexican had come to, to let corruption takes even on the smallest of the events in normal life, I also think that if people find out about it right now, they wouldn't care anyway, because they would think it was not that important, true it was a free sign up contest, no one was ripped off, but the action of doing something like that its outrageous enough to at least raise our brows, and now that I think it through, it does raises some peoples brows, mine of course, but the worst thing is that people are beginning to accept this acts of corruption more and more, they are starting to think that they are normal things, god, people wake up and smell the fscking coffee, if we let those things become normal, we are doomed, because if it is happening now at all seemingly all levels of our society, I don't want to imagine was gonna happend if it does become a regular thing...

E. out

Always the best man, never THE man

You know, its funny, lately I've been feeling that a lot of people has come to me for advice, wich it makes me incredible flattered that they trust and belive in what I have to say about their problems. Well as you might expect mostly they are about relationships, loneliness and stuff like that, the odd thing is that I havent had a serious relationship in quite a while, but honestly, after what happened last time this is like a holiday for me from the relationship scene.
What I guess I'm trying to say is that I think that I never feel alone, or that because I dont have a significant other at this time of my life, doesnt make me feel incomplete, I hope I can find someone to love, one day, but for now, walking this path by myself doesnt sound like a crazy idea afterall...

It had to be me...

It had to be me, I think I'm such a control freak, whenever that if I feel that something is just a little out of the reach of my hand (wich is very limited), I totally freak out, (ok loco, I admit it, Im an obsesive compulsive). I swear I wont do it again, I usually trust people blindly and its something that it even makes me proud, I think that one of the key things that this fscking world need is trust, trust in each other, and today I failed, I guess this world its getting on to me, it wont happend again, thats for sure...


I just miss you

I cant belive how much you can miss someone that less than a month ago, I didnt even realized that existed that person, its silly but I miss you, I felt sad when I didnt see your email today, I sooo much want to hear from you, I guess I just miss you real bad... You've done something to me, some kind of spell a beautiful spell.


People Please, Thats All You Could Come Up WIth??

First of all before writing anything a big kiss for my baby Ksyushenka, Мой милый ангел, Ты такая восхитительная, Ты такая милая.

Ok, browsing the other day on I saw a person from a country I've never heard of, this country is Seychelles and went out on a information hunt about that country wich I found, so far so good, but when I saw the flag of the country I couldnt hold myself and laugh so hard that my jaw and my stomach ached so bad for a while, I couldnt belive that THAT was in fact a flag, looks more like a logo for a clothes detergent, that why I ask if that was the best they could do??

Picture this, two people walking on the beach:

A: "Mon, what the hell am I going to do? I have to come up with this flag Idea and so far I got nothing"
B:"Dont look at me mon, hey whats that?"
A:"Looks like a bag of old detergent"
A: *Looks carefully for a while, then it smiles*

The next thing we know, voila!!! They got a flag!!!

Free Image Hosting at

Come on people!!!
Thats not a flag, thats a fscking detergent logo!!!

E out.


Walking on this side of the road makes me wonder if this path is what I want to follow. The winds of change are not blowing anymore, I want to sore the sky with those winds underneath me and search the world for love, the purest one.

There's not a single day I don't think about you and what you might be doing.

Is me, the one you smiled upon once, long ago, come back and never go again.

I'm cannot take it anymore I feel like I'm frozen in time, help me out, or stop my mind as well, because hell is nothing compared with this.

The winds of change are not blowing anymore


I'll Stay

Now that I've had a long talk with the pillow, strangely the pillow talked back at me, *shrugs* Ive decided to keep the e***** account, Its easier to leave things instead of forgeting them, I wont do that I'll stay and rebuild it, like before, even better.


So full of hate

Oh my god, I cant believe it happened, my first email account, which unfortunately was on Hotmail,was completely deleted.
November 11 of 1997 was the date it was created, from that moment on my life on the net started, I managed to had only the most important emails and now its gone, I swear that now I truly hate Microsoft with all my heart as he has taken a piece of mine, thank you very fucking much Hotmail Team.
I'm going to close the hotmail account, it doesn't have a point to keep it on, I wont return to see an empty space on an even emptier net.
That was just so wrong.


Fictional Champions

What do Rocky Balboa and the Eagles have in common? Both are fictional champions from Philadelphia. Patriots 24 Eagles 21

Well my friends history is repeating itself the New England Patriots are champions again, I know I'm not a big fan of the football scene, actually not a big fan of any sport, but when it comes to finals I always have to be there to watch them ;).

You know I decided to make this blog entirely in English, sorry guys, but most of you can speak it, face it, besides I don't know why I can write more easily on English than Spanish, I guess I might be afraid to write with the clarity of a 5 year old on my native language, it scares the living crap out of me.

Talking about fictional champions, the Cobos Bowl 2005 was a complete failure, I had to come down with the flu 2 days before the SB, nicely planned, I applaud myself. So I spent here my whole weekend in front of the computer just letting the time and the virus passing away, good lord, and now that I'm feeling better I'm feeling the anxiety of not being able to go out on the weekend I guess now I know why I feel like ranting like a raving lunatic.

A big hug to my friend ksyushenka not only one of the sweetest girl I have ever met but also my valentine for this year вы самыми вы самые лучшие и красивый. ты самая лучшая и красивая (correct version, thx ksyushenka, every word there, pure truth)

And also I want to send my best vibes to my friend Ana who is feeling a lil blue today, hey girl, don't be like that, your cousin its ok, I'm sorry about your friend, but life goes on, like you said, you have to be strong for him, you go girl and give them all the love and warmth of your big big heart, you know Ill be here for you, my best wishes Ana.

E out.

Super Bowl Super Party

Bueno, ahora vuelvo con otro rant pero ahora en español, para avisar del evento deportivo mas importante de football americano, el superbowl, bueno ya se que la mayoria ya sabe eso, el verdadero evento nuevo, es que quiero que nos jun temos en mi casa para verlo, of course en la tele de 56", donde mas?? Habra barril y botanas :D nos estasmo viendo, bye

E out.

Sheeps, Pawns, and such...

Well, here I am at school again, another semester, the same 1st day of every new semester, teachers not showing, students not showing, for me it would be like a chance to catch up with those I havent seen but, honestly, nobody does it, cuz everybody know pretty much hows everybody else businesses, this sense of apathy is inminent.

I think theres something pretty wrong with this school, I was planning to do a late entry for this semester, considering my special condition right now, and the fact that I didnt want to deal with the shame of telling my friends that im on a special exam, but thanks to my friend Bernard, aka justin timberlakes look-a-like that he sent me a message telling me that it was really convinient for me to sign up the day I was ment to, the thing was that If I hadnt I woulded have payed twice the sign up fee, in wich I think that is a total abuse, wheres the god damn student council to protest to such problems that the directive board is pulling out, thanks to Bernard I didnt had to pay, but how about those other peoples that didnt have friends to mail/call them, theres a big injustice there. I can only say that im ashamed of this school, to do such a thing towards us, the student, but Im more ashamed of the student council because at least I never heard any sing of protest from their part, this school is controlled by the teachers, for the teachers, and we are just mere sheeps trying to survive this slaughter house that we call school.

Estoy maldito

Estoy de regreso para hablar de un tema muy importante por lo menos para mi, estoy mas que seguro que fuerzas obscuras y maleficas, traman en mi contra o mas bien, estan llevando acabo en este momento su malefico plan, ¿De que estoy hablando? De la maldicion que me persigue cada vez que mi padre cada vez que quiere que yo le haga un trabajo en la computadora, ya sea en excel, word, alguna imagen, lo que sea, siempre pasa lo mismo, algo terriblemente malo le pasa a la computadora, que por ahora nos referiremos como Camila, la cosa es asi, la mayoria que me conoce sabe que mi computadora rara vez da un problema serio, usualmente esta prendida bajando basura y media, claro que la dejo descansar, pues bueno, todo bien hasta ahi, pero que no se le ocurra a mi papa pedirme que haga un trabajo en la computadora por que hasta ahi ya todo vale cajeta y pasan cosas serias, de que se friega una memoria, el disco duro sufre un error irrecuperable, el office me marca un error que nunca habia marcado o ninjas en el tendedero, una cosa horrible, realmente no se cuando comenzo esta maldicion, que la neta me pone a pensar, alguien tuvo mucha imaginacion para poder salir con una maldicion tan elaborada, bueno ni tanto, pero si requirio imaginacion, pensar en maldecir a alguien como "cada vez que tenga que hacer un trabajo importante para su papa, que se chinge la maquina" ya mamaste wey!!!! Muy ridicula la pinche maldicion pero muy efectiva y especialmente diseñada para mi :S Ya es demasiada coincidencia, estoy seguro que facil van como unos 6 o 7 trabajos que no le hago en el momento por que algo le paso a la maquina. Mi papa ahora si que se encabrona, pero macizo ...

Esta vez, paso que un archivo de inicio se daño (ISAPNP.SYS) y windows no podia empezar, no big deal dije, puesto que el mensaje que me aparecia decia que se podia reparar con el disco de windows xp, alas, la puta inerface del reparador de windows xp es la mas culera que hay, te dan una version de msdos (no biggie, me se mover muy bien ahi) mas crippled y horrible del mundo, solo a microsoft se le ocurre poner una interface asi y estoy seguro que lo hace para que uno no pueda repararlo y tener que llamar al servicio tecnico y le digan que tiene que llevarlo a que lo reparen :S
Pues bueno, me decidi a remediarlo rapido, entre al programa de reparacion y resulta que como el archvo es de inicio no me dejan sustituirlo por el que viene el cd, eso si, puedo borrarlo, lo cual hize, y salio corriendo con el Hazael, que resulta que estaba dormido, fui con el Aldo y no estaba y su maquina tiene clave, las 3 sesiones, bueno, se entiende, fui con el beto, pero no estaba, nada fuera de lo normal, de hecho fui sabiendo eso, pero tenia la esperanza, de que estubiera ahi, ya de regreso llegue con el Hazael y me valio monda y use la makina de sus carnalitos, no tarde ni 5 minutos en pasar el puto archivo que llevaba en diskette, exito total, bueno para eso el trabajo ya estaba hecho gracias a la magnifica ayuda de la compu del berny, el berny no tanto hahaha ntc we puro pedo gracias broder.

E out.

Demasiado tiempo libre

Bienvenidos, a este lugar creado simple y sencillamente por que tengo tiempo de mas, espero poder mantener este blog actualizado por lo menos cada 3 dias.

Un saludo para el Loco, al Haza, al Otho, al Aldo, Mirai, Maryell, Kurkst, Ksyushenka y a todos los demas, espero que me visiten para y dejen su opinion, va.

Bueno ahora si, carnal, las mejores vibras, es año de cosecha bro!!!!

Bere te quedo curado el cuerto :D

Ayer en el juego de vampiro se integraron un personaje mas, el primo del maniakin, que ahorita no me acuerdo de su nombre, sorry we, este bato la suerte que tubo fue increible al matar a un lupino en un solo round, che bato suertudo, como siempre todos se pusieron en estado etilico agravado, con escepcion de su servidor que estaba bajo las influencias de medicamentos, legales y no alucinantes, chale...

Bueno, me retiro diciendo esto... bueno mejor no lo digo.