Right here, right now the web

People Please, Thats All You Could Come Up WIth??

First of all before writing anything a big kiss for my baby Ksyushenka, Мой милый ангел, Ты такая восхитительная, Ты такая милая.

Ok, browsing the other day on I saw a person from a country I've never heard of, this country is Seychelles and went out on a information hunt about that country wich I found, so far so good, but when I saw the flag of the country I couldnt hold myself and laugh so hard that my jaw and my stomach ached so bad for a while, I couldnt belive that THAT was in fact a flag, looks more like a logo for a clothes detergent, that why I ask if that was the best they could do??

Picture this, two people walking on the beach:

A: "Mon, what the hell am I going to do? I have to come up with this flag Idea and so far I got nothing"
B:"Dont look at me mon, hey whats that?"
A:"Looks like a bag of old detergent"
A: *Looks carefully for a while, then it smiles*

The next thing we know, voila!!! They got a flag!!!

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Come on people!!!
Thats not a flag, thats a fscking detergent logo!!!

E out.

0 Ramen: