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Maximus Corruptus

I heard from a very reliable source, that a local radio station, had cheated on a contest of their own, letting the sponsors chose the winners before the contest, wich it was suppose to be like a lottery, how low is that? I think that this is what we the Mexican had come to, to let corruption takes even on the smallest of the events in normal life, I also think that if people find out about it right now, they wouldn't care anyway, because they would think it was not that important, true it was a free sign up contest, no one was ripped off, but the action of doing something like that its outrageous enough to at least raise our brows, and now that I think it through, it does raises some peoples brows, mine of course, but the worst thing is that people are beginning to accept this acts of corruption more and more, they are starting to think that they are normal things, god, people wake up and smell the fscking coffee, if we let those things become normal, we are doomed, because if it is happening now at all seemingly all levels of our society, I don't want to imagine was gonna happend if it does become a regular thing...

E. out

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