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GM's dont kill characters

Dragons, goblins, orc, half-orcs, quarter orcs, three-quarter orcs, obsessed alfar, dryads, packs of wolves, giant spiders, werewolves, killer rabbits, norse gods, carnivorous plants, mutant insects, wood nymphs, skeletons, zombies, vampires, really mean bears, sharks with legs, fire elementals, water elementals, air elementals, earth elementals, other elementals, yeti, mages with bad attitudes, animated dolls, animated weapons, animated rocking chairs, shadows, shades, ghasts, ghouls, gopher tuttles, basilisk, cockatrice, gorgons, mad cows, perytons, winter wolves, fire giants, frost giants, storm giants, gossamer, krakens, leprechauns, opera singers, disgruntled ex's, wyverns, gnolls, hobgoblins, horribly nasty traps, rocs, green slime, red slime, blue slime, rainbow slime, sewer gators, gut punching aliens, nightmares, lawyers, giant snakes, giant leeches, el chupacabra, owl bears, giant rats, kobolds, sandanistas, cowboys, indians, dire wolves, giant roosters, trolls, really mean brownies, selkie, night hags, seas hags, old hags, grotesquely mutilated worms, just about anything with the word "giant" in front of it, unicorns on a bad day, rakshasa, griffins, hippogriffs, besoch, hell hounds, djinni, guys with really pretentious names like Mordo the Black, Overmaster of the Universe, and other PCs...


The House of M

...Some of us hold onto guilt and shame far too long. Theres a strange security in misery, its almost comfortable.
Taking the risk of moving on, that's terrifying. Applies to Erik, applies to me.

- Charles Xavier