Right here, right now the web

When the world kick back for good this time

A day before my bday I was feeling down, the usual stuff, almost 26, no job, livin with the parents and living off them, its just not really my thing, not at all...

the only good hing was talking to rianne (much luv babygirl).

Anyway, most of the day like I said before I was doooooowwwnnn, until I was giving words of comfort to a friend whos 8 year gf is moving to another city and he was waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy down than I was. All of the sudden it hit me like Mayflower hitted De La Hoya; I said to my friend, "you gotta be strong, you gotta think of something to remedy this problem instead of crying, you already cried, now get up and do something..." When I read my own words, I went all "WTF why didnt I listen to my own fscking advices??"

Tomorrow I party, the day after tomorrow I fight

And so it begins the new story of the star...

1 Ramen:

Anonymous said...

wishing you a great birthday!!!!

hehehehe... youre a crack up :Op

see... the world aint so mean after all... there are always people worse off... hehehehe

keep you chin up


hugs and kisses