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Faye Wong .Sky. 王菲- 天空

De las mejores letras que he leido, nunca me he dado cuenta hasta ahora lo verdaderas que son

My Sky
Why does it filled with wet tears?
My sky
Why does it always grey-faced?
Floating on the other side of the world
Allowing loneliness to encroach
Over and over
My sky
Draws on lengthy longings

Your Sky
Should suspend a thinking cloud
Your Sky
Should have a cold moon
Left on the otherside of the world
Allowing loneliness to conquer
Night over night
Hiding deep longing

Our Sky
When will it be one?
Our sky
When can they be joined?
Waiting on each side of the world
Allowing loneliness to mock
Year after year
Piled with layers of longing

May the sky
Is no longer filled with wet tears
May the sky
Is no longer put on a grey face

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