Asi o mas carismatico??
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 5:42 PM, in
Hi my name is Kara and im the bringer of doom
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Friday, March 28, 2008 at 9:58 PM, in
More on Battlestar Galactica. Created by BuddyTV
Only for you
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Sunday, March 23, 2008 at 9:51 PM, in
True, I was gonna write angry words today, but I remembered that old saying and I hold myself, I found something even better and thats giving me a big smile:
Losing Our Freedoms
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Monday, March 17, 2008 at 9:07 AM, in
1.- I drink.
2.- I like go partying.
3.- A LOT.
4.- Cops here sometimes wait outside a night club so the can detain you.
5.- That's spying and harrasment.
In other words I live in a city were going and have fun with your friends or gf is mostly punished.
We have lost our freedom of free roaming.
My problem is the false sense of security the current state and federal governments give people by making them jump through hoops when it is completely unnecessary.
Im not saying I'm in favor of drunk driving, of course not, innocent people die for doing stupid things like that and it is in the goverment to find a solution to that with the help of the people; changing people minds but not using fear inducing laws, intimidative laws, harrasing laws. Our current laws work theres no need for harder punishments, if you get caught drunk driving, you are forced to go to meetings, you can have your license revoqued and much more. The problem is who applies those laws, corrupt cops who just look for an excuse to pull you over and ask for a bribe, a lot of them are drug users and nothing is done against them. For that case, how can I respect someone who call themselves authority when they are in a worst state that I am? But thats not the point, they are the authority and they have to be "respected".
The real problem of making laws is giving the authorities enough power to be able to enforce them but without having enough to power to subjudge the people. Its hard but it can be done.
I'm talking about all this because a deputy its promoting a law that lowers the alcohol level of 0.8 to 0.5; nothing new here, it' being done in other cities like Sydney, in fact it has been there that way for a long time and it works perfect, also they have one of the best police departments in the world, so it balances. Here were far fom that and thats the problem, by pasing that law they are just giving more power to exploit the citizens of this city.
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 10:50 PM, in
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation...
Mere seconds... 5, 10? I have no idea, but kisses like that, to be honest I dont remember feeling such a passion in one before, my heart beats just of remembering, thank you, and good lord I want one right now! So what are you waiting for?
Can World's Strongest Dad
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 9:22 PM, in
Such a powerful word, we are often held up by ourselves, in the words of Napoleon "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." and "The most difficult battle I have it everyday against myself".
We are responsible of what we do and what we don't do, heres the story of the Hoyt team
Team Hoyt is a father (Dick Hoyt) and son (Rick Hoyt, b. 1962) in Massachusetts who compete together in marathons, triathlons, and other athletic endeavors. Rick was disabled at birth by a loss of oxygen to his brain because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, and he also suffers from cerebral palsy. Dick carries him in a special seat up front as they bike, pulls him in a special boat as they swim, and pushes him in a special wheelchair as they run.
Thanks to his parents, who ignored the advice of doctors that he would live life in a persistent vegetative state, and Tufts University engineers, who recognized that his sense of humor indicated intelligence, at the age of 12, Rick was able to learn how to use a special computer to communicate, using movements from his head. The first words he typed were, "Go Bruins!", and the family learned he was a sports fan. They entered their first race in 1977, a 5 mile benefit run for an injured lacrosse player who was a schoolmate of Rick's.
Dick is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Air National Guard. Rick earned a college degree from Boston University in special education, and now works at Boston College. They continue to compete in races, and are also motivational speakers.
As of December 31, 2006, Team Hoyt had participated in a total of 942 events, including 216 Triathlons (6 of which were Ironman competitions), 20 Duathlons, and 65 Marathons, including 25 consecutive Boston Marathons. They also biked and ran across the USA in 1992 — a 3,735 mile journey that took them 45 days.
When asked what one thing Rick wished he could give his father, his reply was "The thing I'd most like is that my dad would sit in the chair and I would push him once."
Taken from wikipedia
Now dont say things like "I can't do it" or "It's too hard", cuz if you say those things, Team Hoyt might like to have a few words with you, I leave you with one of the most touching videos I've ever seen.
And I Ran, I Ran So Far Away
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Monday, March 10, 2008 at 7:15 PM, in
Since early this year I found a new passion... running, its a great sport, I totally love it. It helps clean my mind like no other sport has ever done, it has all I want, requires all I want, focusing, rythm, concentration, determination.
When I'm running nothing matters, theres only me and the road, today I felt my body wanting to go on, to never stop, to ran far away, away from everything here, but I dont run to escape from my problems, I run to them and to solve them, every minute I run, every moment I'm focusing it's making me stronger, and clears my mind to help me solve everything I have ahead, I'm looking foward for wednesday, I got to be harder, better, faster, stronger...
I could talk about the benefits of running, how it even makes you "smarter", but no, everybody knows it's good for you, its cheap and doesnt require much, only a pair of feet, wich it sucks for the handicaped people, but thats another story...
A: Hey I went running the other day and it totally rocks
B: Thanks for reminding me I can't do that, asshole!
A: Damn...
Heres my running soundtrack:
Bon Jovi - Livin On A Prayer
Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Asian Kung Fu Generation - Haruna Kanata
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Eminem - Lose Yourself
Europe -The Final Countdown (It has to be in every work out soundtrack)
Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
Robert Miles - Children
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
Junkie XL - Action Radious
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
NWA - Straight Outta Comptom
The Von Bondies - C'mon C'mon
Madonna - Ray Of Light
Moby - We Are All Made Of Stars
Montel Jordan - This Is How We Do It
Paul Oakendfold - Ready, Steady, Go
Overseer - Supermoves
And of course the song that IT HAS TO BE HERE:
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Follow up
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 11:07 PM, in
Anyways, on the matter, the thing is, I found my error, now im gonna fix it, and look gooooood while doing it... laters.
I think, A lot
Y asi lo dice su lider
, Saturday, March 1, 2008 at 11:11 PM, in
I think a lot, like most of the times im thinking in a lot of things, some are useless, but at least they keep my mind going or thats what I like to tell myself so I dont feel like im wasting my time, but I do think a lot of things, I jump from one subject to another like Paris Hilton jumps over, I was gonna say men, but lets be honest she doesnt care about gender, race, religion, if it walks on two or four legs, hell, I think she doesnt even cares if it breaths anymore. See? I changed subjects just like that, in other words I ramble, a lot, but saddly, most of the time I think of you... I always end up thinking, what would she said to this or that, how would she react, what if ( and I hate what if's) she... In the end everything ends in you, like tonight.
It alls comes down to this, its been bugging me for the past few weeks:
I have a freaking high IQ of nearly 150 and I dont give a shit about anything if I cannot use it to get you back!!
Si yo pudiera
Y asi lo dice su lider
, at 12:13 PM, in
Todos los días viajaría hacia la tierra, me tomaría mi tiempo, disfrutaría verla hacerse mas grande ante mis ojos, de un gran circulo azul hasta que me llenara de todos los colores que contiene.
Todos los días iría a un lugar diferente, rondaría por un mercado en el Cairo un día, otro día tomaría un café en la plaza roja.
Correría por las estepas de tierras argentinas, también visitaría Tierra De Fuego solo para ver si me topo con un poco de tierra hecha de fuego, aunque yo ya se que no será así.
Me pararía en La Ruta De La Seda en Almaty, seria increíble caminar un tramo de ese camino, un camino que no ha dejado de ser recorrido por miles de años, estoy seguro que lloraría en ese lugar. De vez en cuando iría a tomar el te en Inglaterra para el día siguiente ir a tomar el te a Fukuoka; aunque en Tokio me perdería en Shinjuku, entre karaokes, tiendas de todo lo que pueda imaginar, y desde luego me pasaría el sábado en la mañana viendo las caricaturas de TV Tokio. Me iría de fiesta algún fin de semana a Nueva York y vivir su vida nocturna y el siguiente fin de semana en algún antro súper exclusivo de Berlín o Ámsterdam. A Francia lo recorrería poco a poco, al igual que España, pero a Italia le dedicaría un tiempo exclusivo empezaría en el sur para que cuando me acerque a Venecia solo la vea desde Trieste. Cuando me sienta infantil, me iría a Disneylandia o Disneyworld donde correría por todo el parque hasta quedarme exhausto, comería dulces a más no poder y me tomaría fotos con todos los personajes que me encontrara en mi camino. Londres lo visitaría de vez en cuando, es muy misterioso pero Irlanda y Escocia la visitaría muy seguido, me iría a los pequeños poblados a tomar café y a oír música típica de esos lugares no hay nada como un violín irlandés a media tarde...
Estoy seguro que cuando pasara por China recorrería toda la Muralla China, TODA, por dos razones, la primera seria por que la puedo ver desde la luna y no resistiría el impulso de recorrerla y segundo, en verdad quiero decirles lo LARGA que es a todos.
Al final de cada día me aseguraría de tener algo del lugar donde estuve, pero no un típico recuerdo turístico, algo simple, algo que realmente me recuerde ese lugar, como una canción, un beso, una sonrisa, una caricia, siempre he pensado que las cosas mas simples son las mas importantes.
Y todos los días te invitaría a venir conmigo.